Grampians Horse Riding Centre Bookings
- sturdy footwear
- long pants
- sunscreen
- water
- camera
- chaps
- approved safety helmet
- oilskin coats
- gloves
- complimentary tea or coffee on your return
Horse Riding Age Limit: 12 years to 55 years **
Please arrive 30 mins prior to departure (DO NOT WEAR SHORTS OR THONGS)
For riding availability and bookings contact us on (03) 5383 9255
We are open 7 days a week. Book ahead for weekends and school holidays
Weight limit: 95kgs
For horse health reasons we are unable to carry riders over 95kgs
You may be weighed for complete safety
Main Horse Riding Length: 2 hours over 10km of pristine riding track
Payment: $150 per person
Cash or Bank transfer only
(No Eftpos or credit facilites)
Accomodation is available in the area, please ask Cameron or Sandra for details.
** In our expert opinion this tour is not suitable for ages under 12 nor over 55. If you are
In this category please contact us to ascertain your suitability.