What type of rider are you?
This is a riding lesson as well as a scenic tour over 12km of the pristine Wartook Valley region of the Grampians National Park.
We cater for all levels in one trip, covering a variety of unique wildlife, riding techniques and pristine scenary, but then this 1200 acre property has been purpose built for just that....a truely unique and personal experience.
Tranquility ensures with the noticable absence of cars, bush walkers or motor bikes...just you, freedom and a horse!
ADVANCED RIDERS....What to Expect
You can expect to be offered a highly educated and more forward moving horse including our own personal horses.
We will help you develop and practice your sitting trot, lateral movements,
half pass, Piaf and flying changes.
We will give you lots of freedom, loads of cantering opportunities and lots of friendly practical advise all in the space of 12 kilometres.
There are not too many riding schools savvy enough to hand over their own personal hacks, but then we are not here to insult your intelligence nor your ability either!